Email Prayer Chain

If you are interested in being a part of New Life's Email Prayer Chain, please give your email address to Pastor Allen & Karen. 

Tax Information for the year 2011

To receive a receipt at the end of the year for your givings, you must completely fill out the front of a tithe envelope each week.  This iis the record used for proof of givings for the IRS.   If you have questions, see Charlie or Deana Kail.

If you have a need through the week. . .

Pastor William & Aileen Kelley  330-871-8262
Pastor Allen & Karen Rasnake  330-875-8496

The Elders:
Cynthia Childress  330-316-7803
Pat Hobson  330-823-7958
Charlie & Deana Kail, Treasurers & Administrator
Michael & Sally Kelley  330-257-9423 (Sally)
330-257-9523 (Michael)
Ted & Debbie Kelley  330-823-9058
Henry & Alice Kirksey  330-823-3208

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Send email to Pastor Allen